And speaking of unique, don’t miss longtime New Yorker Jay Goldberg’s video “When The Buildings Cheered” in which he captures the silence and sounds of the near empty streets of New York City — the singing, clapping, cheering coming from behind the walls of hundreds of faceless windows in the tall buildings lining the streets. It carries the unspoken message of Spring 2020 that, though isolated, there was also a ‘we’re all in this together’ attitude.
— The Times of Trenton, "Fine Arts: Art and Healing Exhibition," September 23, 2020
This is a portrait in resilience. There is a terrifically joyful resilient spirit. The buildings as stand-ins for the people whom you don’t see. There’s this real rich play of silence and sound, presence and absence. The interruption is operative in the film on a formal level. It’s expanding our understanding of what’s at issue.
— Clark Buckner, juror “Moving Images” exhibit at Cabrillo Gallery, October-November 2021